6:00 PM18:00

Taekwondo Belt Gradings

Our next belt gradings for Taekwondo - please arrive in full uniform including current belts and wearing a plain white or black singlet under your shirt, and no jewellery. Please bring the grading fees in an envelope together with your course handbook and grading booklet.

Current white belts will not have a grading booklet yet, and will get one after the successful grading to the Yellow 9 Gup.

Please arrive early to warm up and in clean and ironed uniforms. Parents please come and support your child in this important assessment.

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8:30 AM08:30

Inter-club State Training

  • 2 Slough Ave Silverwater, NSW, 2128 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For those students selected for the inter-club state training, the next session will be on March 9th at the Ultimate Indoor Sports Silverwater, Unit 47/2 Slough Ave Silverwater NSW 2264 - Corner of Silverwater Rd and Holker St, entry through Slough Ave.

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